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FLOC PRO Maintenance


  • FLOC PRO Maintenance; 1 Kg.
  • Best water Soluble Multi strain highly concentrate dry powder for
  • Freshwater aquaculture system / Pond aquaculture system
  • Brackish water and Saltwater aquaculture system.
  • Maintain healthy Floc Ratio.
  • Increases Dissolved Oxygen Content
  • Balancing pH, water Color & Alkalinity
  • Reduce Ammonia/NO2/NO3
  • Control heavy sludge, Algae, Green water, Bad smell, Hydrogen sulfide and foam.
  • Maintain clear water.
  • Prevent fish disease.
  • Supreme composition to improve water quality and degrade Toxic organic components.
  • 100% money Back Guarantee, If not Satisfy your quality standard requirement.
  • Available Size; 1 Kg.

100 in stock

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  • You will Get ONLY-Original And Fresh Stock.
  • FULL Amount refund at ANY point, Without Any Question.
  • We are Trusted Since.2010 with Solid Establishment.


15 Strains of microbial elements fortified with natural HSCAS compounds. Helps in digestion Organic waste and converts it into micro nutrients. Increases zooplankton, control of sludge build up, breakdown dissolved protein & fragments unused feed. Directly inhibits pathogenic microbes, Stabilizes existing algae blooms, Improves water quality. Prevent stress factors, Digests sludge, Keeps the ecosystem healthy.


Initial Doses; Use directly 100 – 200g powder for 10,000L water. Add 200g powder in 20 liters of water and activate with aerator for 1-2 hrs and then sprinkle it in 10000 Liter water, Maintenance Dose: Use 100gm / 10000L on interval of every 30 days to maintain water quality.