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Hindustan Streptocycline Fungicide


  • Hindustan Streptocycline Fungicide; 60 gm
  • Size;60 gm(6g x 10 pack/box)
  • Streptomycin Sulfate I.P. 90 %, Tetracycline Hydrochloride; 10 %
  • Streptocycline is an Antibacterial Antibiotic formulation recommended for effective control of bacterial diseases of plants
  • It is readily soluble in water and is systemic in action gets readily absorbed in the plant when sprayed.

100 in stock

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Rice Bacterial leaf Blight 6 grams in 60 – 120 Liter water, Chilli and Tomato Black spot 6 grams in 60-120 liter water, Cabbage and Cauliflower Blackspot 6 grams in 60 Liter water, Potato Brown rot 6 grams in 120 liter water, Cucumber Leaf spot 6 grams in 120 liter water, Cotton Angular leaf spot and black arm 6 grams in 60- 120 liter water , Citrus Citrus Canker 6 grams in 60 -120 liter water, Grapes, Sugarcane, Mango Bacterial Diseases 6 grams in 60 -120 liter water.

Additional information

Weight 1.0 kg