Easily light up your space with the ‘Cryptocoryne Pink PANTHER’. Buy 1 POT/PACK today for planted aquariums/terrariums/Wabi Kusa
Drosera Adelae Carnivorous Plants
Bring your gardening to new heights with Drosera Adelae Carnivorous Plants! Perfect beginner’s sundews that thrive in all conditions!
Hygrophila Pinnatifida UK
Make your aquarium stand out with pre-order Hygrophila Pinnatifida UK! Excellent for planted aquarium application. Purchase now!
Imported Tissue Culture Bucephalandra Sp Red Mini Cup
Buy 40-80 Bucephalandra Sp Red Mini Plants for your Planted Aquarium/Terrariums/Wabi Kusa! Pre-Order today & get them in 15-20 days.
Bucephalandra Sp Sintang Mini Round
Give your aquarium/terrarium a stunning boost with our gorgeous Bucephalandra Sp Sintang Mini Round plants! We import them in 45-60 days!
Anubias White Rose
Behold the glorious Anubias White Rose! Perfect visual delights await: Green marbling, light yellow hues, and pure white cream. Get it!
Drosera BURMANNII Carnivorous Plants
Invite the enchanting Drosera BURMANNII Carnivorous Plants to your Wabi Kusa setup. Pre-Order now your high-quality culture today!
BYBLIS GUEHOI Carnivorous Plants
Boost terrariums & Wabi Kusa with BYBLIS GUEHOI Carnivorous Plants! Pre-order with full moneyback guarantee. Order 1 pot/pack now!
Eheim ReeflexUV 350 Steriliser
Discover how the EHEIM ReeflexUV 350 can provide perfect results with lower energy consumption. Get 1.8 times more efficiency!
Zetlight Combo Magnet Scrapper Blade Cleaner
Easily remove dust-like algae from your tank with the ZetLight Combo Magnet Scrapper. Polishing aquarium surfaces made easy! Shop now!