This fruit variety is known for its vibrant red and glossy appearance when ripe. With a medium pack size and oblate shape, each fruit offers a delightful visual appeal. The firm texture and uniform size ensure excellent shelf life, making it a preferred choice for consumers. Additionally, this variety boasts an average yield of 25-30 MT per acre, varying based on the season and cultural practices. Experience the freshness and quality of these fruits today!
Hybrid Petunia Flower Seeds
Double blooms with crisp, white picotee edges! Get Hybrid Petunia Flower Seeds to bring the beauty of nature to your garden. Shop them now!
Amaranth Green Leaf Seeds
Easily grow Amaranth Green Leaf Seeds yourself, ideal for warm climates. Get your own crop ready for harvest in 45 days. Try it now!
Bayer Admire
Ensure better pest control with Bayer Admire – systemic insecticide, safe for plants & effective against aphids, jassids & thrips.
Hydrogen Peroxide Solution
Discover Hydrogen Peroxide Solution, perfect for pest control, treating root rot & more. Stop fungus infections & prevent damaged trees.
CRYSTAL Dursban Chlorpyriphos 20 EC Insecticide
Protect buildings from termites pre & post construction with CRYSTAL Dursban Chlorpyriphos! Controls various pests & fumigation action.
Syngenta Amistar TOP Fungicide
Control diseases like yellow rust and powdery mildew with Syngenta Amistar TOP Fungicide. 100 ml, for Rice, Cotton and more crops
Monomil Monocrotophos 36 SL Insecticide
Eliminate Thrips, leaf rollers & leaf miner with Monomil Monocrotophos Get the only fast acting systemic & contact insecticide Monocrotophos.
BASF Merivon Fungicide
Protect your crop with BASF Merivon Fungicide for broad spectrum disease control. Get faster and longer duration control now!
AIMCO Aimfire Insecticide
Fight white grubs effectively with AIMCO Aimfire Insecticide for best root & shoot growth and amazing yield. Get it today!