Showing 13–24 of 31 results

  • VIRBAC Microlance

    • VIRBAC Microlance ; 1 kg
    • Manufacture: Virbac India.
    • Before stocking and during two months of culture 1kg per hectare.
    • MICROLANCE Powder helps to reduces toxic gases like Ammonia & Nitrate and helps to accelerate nitrogen cycle.
    • Reduces toxic gases like Ammonia & Nitrate
    • Helps to accelerate the nitrogen cycle
    • Helps to reduce “Cyanobacteria” from pond water
    • Degrade organic waste
    • Eliminate sludge & bad odor.
  • Virbac HEPANO MIX

    HEPANO MIX Fish Growth Promoter Liver Protector
    Improves FCR & weight gain.
    Helps to build strong muscles & skeleton.
    Improves Liver function in fish.
    Reduces fat deposition in fish.
    Strengthens hepatopancreas functions.
    Enhances the neurological system and hormonal production.
    Speeds up the healing process.                                                                                                                                                           Available Size; 500 gm & 2 kg.

  • VIRBAC Eco Marine Tablets

    • VIRBAC Eco Marine; 80 Tablets.
    • Probiotic and Magnesium Supplement.
    • ECO MARINE Tablets; probiotics for aquaculture pond balance
    • ECO MARINE Tablets helps in digestion Organic waste and converts it into micronutrients and reduce toxic gases
    • Maintains healthy bottom
    • Easy to use, apply directly.
    • Reach to the source of the problem.
    • Saves time and Money
    • Controls harmful blue green algae.
  • PVS Zymix Aqua

    • PVS Zymix Aqua ; 1 kg
    • Special feed supplement with Enzymes
    • Better FCR & Digestion.
    • Better feed utilization & feed assimilation
    • Better health & immunity.
    • Better growth & body weight.
    • Better Survivals & production.
    • Manufacturer; PVS Laboratories Limited.

    • In combination of selected multiple vitamins, minerals, amino acids, growth stimulators, fatty acids, enzymes and
    • herbal extracts in suitable proportions.
    • Promotes fast growth rates.
    • Enhance body weight.
    • Better Feed Consumption & Digestion.
    • Enhances nutrients utilization and more health performance.
    • Prevents stress and improves immunity.
    • Manufacturer; PVS Laboratories Limited.

    • Multivitamin Growth Booster.
    • Fast Growth Enhancer & More Body Weights Promoter
    • Helps for fast growth rate & more body Strengthen bone and muscle structure.
    • Less incidences of diseases.
    • Enhances immunity.
    • More yields and economical FCR.
    • Manufacturer; PVS Laboratories Limited.
  • PVS DO MAX Oxygen Booster

    • PVS DO MAX;1 Kg.
    • Dissolved Oxygen Improver and Performance Booster
    • Increases fast DO levels in biofloc/pond water.
    • Prevents and the stress occurred to fish/shrimp/prawn due to low dissolved oxygen levels.
    • Increases oxygenation at pond bottom.
    • Saves the shrimps/fishes from mass mortalities occurs due to heavy toxic gas formations and sudden depletion of
    • dissolved oxygen contents.
    • Develops dissolved oxygen and maintains for long time in the ponds.
    • Helps for better growths and body weights.
    • Manufacturer; PVS Laboratories Limited.
  • PVS CAGEMIX 1KG Multivitamin Growth Booster

    • PVS CAGEMIX 1KG Multivitamin Growth Booster; 1Kg
    • Special Nutrition For Growth Promotion & Disease Preventer in Cage/Biofloc/Closed Aquaculture System.
    • Promotes fast body growth and gains more body weight.
    • Enhances immunity responses of fishes against diseases.
    • Improves sketal strength.
    • Minimizes disease occurrence in fishes.
    • Regulates normal physiological and metabolic activities.
    • Increases appetite and digestion.
    • Lower the FCR and feed cost.
    • Better survivals and more harvest
    • Manufacturer; PVS Laboratories Limited.
  • PVS AQUA C AND E Vitamin Supplement

    • PVS AQUA C & E Vitamin Supplement; 1Kg
    • Vitamin C & E Supplement for Shrimp
    • Acts as best immune modulator.
    • Makes the animals healthy for fight against disease situation.
    • Acts as best antioxidant and develops the new tissues rapidly.
    • Helps in metabolism activities in body.
    • Helps for stress free conditions.
    • Helps to increase body growth rate
    • Helps for more survivals.
    • Manufacturer; PVS Laboratories Limited.
  • PVS AMMOSOL Tablet 1KG Water Treatment

    • PVS AMMOSOL Tablet; 1Kg
    • Water Freshener and Performance Enhancer.
    • Yucca powder added with probiotics and other quantities of Nitrifying bacteria.
    • Reduces other harmful toxic gasses levels.
    • Helps for more efficient in Nitrogen Cycle.
    • Eliminates off favor form pond water.
    • Provides more relaxation & stress-free pond condition.
    • Increases survival rate and body weight.
    • Makes more healthier of fish body.
    • Manufacturer; PVS Laboratories Limited.

    • PVS ACTILIV; 1 Kg
    • Liver Stimulant and Digestant.
    • Activates and stimulates the function of liver/Pancreas.
    • Helps for better digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients.
    • Corrects the Hepato Pancreas disorders due to toxic effects.
    • Prevents liver diseases in fishes
    • Increases appetite in fish & better FCR.
    • Helps for better growth and more production.
    • Manufacturer; PVS Laboratories Limited.
  • PROFS Power

    • PROFS Power; 1 kg
    • Manufacture: Biostadt India Ltd
    • Minimum of 4 x 10 cfg/gram of spore forming Bacillus sp & Pediococcus sps.
    • Increases zooplankton in pond, control of sludge build up
    • Breakdown dissolved protein in shrimp farming system
    • fragments unused feed
    • Directly inhibits pathogenic microbes,
    • Stabilizes existing algae blooms
    • Improves water quality
    • Prevent stress factors of shimp.
    • Digests sludge, Keeps the ecosystem healthy.