To maintaining optimal water quality in your aquarium, using a reliable test kit is essential. Aquarium water test kits are invaluable tools for every aquarist. Common Parameters- pH, KH (Carbonate Hardness), GH (General Hardness), Ammonia, Nitrite (NO2), Nitrate (NO3), Calcium, Iron, Copper, Phosphate, Potassium, Silicate, Iodine and Iodide, they allow you to accurately measure the state of your tank and make adjustments when necessary. Without this crucial information, you wouldn’t know if your aquarium is healthy or not. Poor water quality significantly impacts fish health, can lead to stress, disease, and even death for your fish. Even though poor water quality may look identical to good quality water, it can cause serious harm to your fish. For example, high ammonia levels are invisible to the naked eye but can be deadly for fish. An aquarium test kit helps you monitor water parameters and take corrective actions promptly. Remember that regular water testing is crucial for maintaining a healthy aquatic environment. Choose a test kit that suits your specific needs and follow the instructions carefully to ensure accurate results. Remember that maintaining good water quality is essential for a healthy aquarium!
Measures the most important Aquaculture levels High Range – Tests pH, High Range pH, Ammonia Nitrite & Nitrate Scientifically accurate for professional results.
Capacity. For use in Freshwater and Saltwater Monitor Ammonia continuously, sticks to Inside Front of Tank to Display.
Ammonia Alert is a unique color device designed to be placed in the aquarium or filter and A sensor changes color reversibly to alert you shifts to in Ammonia.
Test Accuracy Perfect For Freshwater Pond and Aquaculture.
The API Nitrite Test Kit quickly and accurately measures nitrite levels in pond water – a toxic chemical produced when nitrifying bacteria break down ammonia in pond water.
High nitrate levels in your aquarium or pond indicate a build up of fish waste and organic compounds, resulting in poor water quality and an increase in algae growth Contrarily, maintaining a low nitrate level improves the health of fish and invertebrates
Suitable for Freshwater and Aquaculture.
This kit uses a salicylate-based method to measure the total ammonia level in parts per million (ppm),
which are equivalent to milligrams per liter (mg/L), ranging from 0 to 8.0 ppm (mg/L).