Horticulture tools like fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides can be invaluable for maintaining a healthy and thriving garden, but it’s crucial to understand their purpose and use them responsibly. Here’s a product to help you buy online.
SULPHUR Control Thiophanate Methyl
- SULPHUR CONTROL Thiophanate Methyl; 200 gm.
- Qty; 200(100g x 2 pack).
- Thiophanate Methyl 70% W.P. appears as colorless crystals and is widely utilized for preventing harm caused by fungus in trees, vines, & root crops. It is known to have chemical formula C12H14N4O4S2 and molar mass of 342.39 g/mol.
Bayer Confidor Insecticide
- BAYER CONFIDOR insecticide; 100ml(50mlx2pack).
- Imidacloprid acts by interfering with the transmission of impulses in the nerve system of insects.
INDOFIL Alecto Insecticide
- INDOFIL ALECTO Insecticide; 25 ml.
- Indofil Alecto is effective against a wide range of insect pests.
Dow Delegate Insecticide
- DOW DELEGATE insecticides; 100 ml.
- Delegate is winner of the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge award in the category for designing safer chemicals.
AIMCO Pyriban Insecticide
- AIMCO PYRIBAN Insecticide; 250ml.
- Chlorpyriphos 20% E.C.
- Effective against Com leaf Aphid, Gall midge, Hispa, stem borer, pod borer
- Manufacturer; Aimco Pesticides Ltd. Maharashtra, India.
UPL Ulala Insecticide
- UPL ULALA Insecticide; 60 gm/pack.
- Novel solution for sucking pest management with unique mode of action.
Bayer Jump Insecticide
- BAYER JUMP Insecticide; 20 gm(10x2g).
- Primarily acts as an ingestion toxicant with some complimentary contact action and acts by interfering in nerve impulse transmission.
PI Industries BIOVITA Granules
- PI Industries BIOVITA Granules
- BIOVITA provides over 60 naturally occurring major and minor nutrients and plant development substances comprising of enzymes, proteins, cytokinins, amino acids, vitamins, gibberellins, auxins, betains etc. in organic form.
- BIOVITA provides all constituents in balanced form for healthier plant growth.
- BIOVITA contributes to greater microbial activity when applied to soil and thus increasing the nutrient availability to plants.
- BIOVITA is an ideal organic product for better growth and productivity, which can be used on all types of plants, whether indoor, outdoor, garden, nursery, lawns, turf, agriculture or plantation crops.
- Available Size; 2 kg.
BASF Exponus Insecticide
- BASF Exponus Insecticide
- Powerful; Effective on resistant and toughest insects.
- Quick; Spreads and acts fast, resulting in quick control of insects.
- Versatile; Effectively controls many insects in different crops at different stages.
- Available Size; 8.5 ml / pack.
- BAYER MOVENTO OD Insecticide
- Spirotetramat 11.01% + Imidacloprid 11.01% w/w SC (240 SC).
- Available Size; 100ml.
Syngenta Score Fungicide
- Syngenta Score Fungicide
- 25%EC Difenconazole.
- Available Size; 250ml/pack.
- TOtotalsALS Ultra Fert NPK; 19 : 19 : 19
- 100% Water Soluble Mixture of Fertiliser.
- For Foliar Spray and Fertigation (Drip irrigation).
- Suitable for all crops.
- Gives crop early boost.
- Available Size; 5 kg/pack.
Syngenta Kavach
- Syngenta Kavach
- Composition:75% WP Chlorothalonil.
- Available Size; 200gm/pack.
Syngenta Pegasus Insecticide
- Syngenta Pegasus Insecticide; 100gm/pack.
- Composition: 500 g/l Diafenthiuron.
Total Agricare Bactericide ANTIBAC
- Total Agricare Bactericide ANTIBAC
- Protects the crop from Blight, Rot and Damping off diseases.
- Increases resistance capacity of crop against different disease.
- Increases the effectiveness of fungicide when applied with this.
- Available Size; 60gm.
INDOFIL M45 Fungicide
- INDOFIL M45 Fungicide
- Broad spectrum fungicide, which controls large no. of diseases with its multisite action, caused by phycomycetous, advance fungi and other group of fungi infecting many crops.
- Wide spectrum of use- Used for foliar sprays, nursery drenching and seed treatments.
- Provides Nutrition- In addition to disease control, it provides manganese and zinc to crop, there by correcting the deficiency of these micronutrient.
- Wide spectrum of use- Used for foliar sprays, nursery drenching and seed treatments.
- Available Size; 300gm/pack
BAYER Antracol Fungicide
- BAYER Antracol Fungicide
- Antracol has broad spectrum of activity
- Both contact and preventive action.
- As a result of its multi-site complex mode of action, Antracol is particularly suited for use in spraying programs to
- combat and prevent the selection of resistant population of fungal pathogen.
- Superior formulation: fine particle size, better suspension in water.
- Rainfastness leading to better efficacy.
- Availability of zinc – positive effect on crop as a whole and improves immunity of plants resulting in higher yields and improvement in quality.
- Safety: Being extremely low in toxicity Antracol is ideally suited for IPM programs.
- Available Size; 200 gm/pack
- TATA BLITOX Fungicide
- Copper based multisite-action fungicide with contact activity.
- Available Size; 500gm/pack
TATA Master Fungicide
- TATA Master Fungicide
- Multisite action (respiratory inhibitor) having contact activity.
- Available Size; 200gm/pack.
UPL SAAF Fungicide
- UPL SAAF Fungicide
- Foliar & Seed treatment.
- A proven & classic fungicide with systemic & contact action. Most trusted & widely used dual mode of action fungicide.
- Available Size; 300gm/pack.