Chia Tai Home Garden Sunbright Kids Sunflower Seeds
- Chia Tai Home Garden Sunbright Kids Sunflower Seeds
- Qty: 3 gm / 1 pack.
- Produce By, Chia Tai Co. Ltd. Thailand
Chia Tai Home Garden Big Red Oak Lettuce Seeds
- Chia Tai Home Garden Big Red Oak Lettuce Seeds
- Qty: 5 gm / 1 pack.
- Produce By, Chia Tai Co. Ltd. Thailand
East West Seed Ipomoea Alba White Moonflower Vine Seeds
- Ipomoea Alba White Moonflower Vine Seeds
- Qty; 10 gm / 20 seeds / pack
- East West Seed.
- Moon flower, Chom Moon, strong tree, climbs up and stays well, white flowers bloom in the evening, all night long, the flowers have a fresh fragrance.
- Flower buds can be used for cooking.
East West Seed Thai Tom Tom Dopati Balsam Flower Seeds
- East West Seed Thai Tom Tom Dopati Balsam Flower Seeds
- Qty; 50 seeds / 10g./ pack.
East West Seeds Zinnia Sunbrust Mixed Seeds
- East West Seeds Zinnia Sunbrust Mixed Seeds
- Qty; 5 gm / 30 seeds / pack.
East West Seeds Sun Gold Sunflower Seeds
- East West Seeds Sun Gold Sunflower Seeds
- Qty: 5 gm / 30 seeds / pack.
Metro Seeds Green Cos Lettuce Gardening Seeds
- Metro Seeds Green Cos Lettuce
- Qty: 200 seeds / pack.
Metro Seeds Blue Kale Gardening Seeds
- Metro Seed Blue Kale Gardening Seeds.
- Qty; 45 seeds / Pack.
Triple A Cantaloup Apple Gardening Seeds
- Triple A Cantaloup Apple Gardening Seeds.
- Qty: 5 gm / 1 pack.
Triple A Green Ornamental Cabbage Gardening Seeds
Triple A Green Ornamental Cabbage
Qty: 20 seeds / pack. -
Triple A Baby Cos Lettuce Gardening Seeds
- Triple A Baby Cos Lettuce Seeds;
- Qty: 5 gm / pack.
Triple A Cos Lettuce Gardening Seeds
- Triple A Cos Lettuce Gardening Seeds.
- Qty: 5 gm / pack.
Triple A Wheatgrass Pets Cat Grass Seeds
- Triple A Wheatgrass Pets Cat Grass Seeds
- Qty; 1 packet(200 Seeds/10g).
Triple A Dinosaur Kale Gardening Seeds
Triple A Dinosaur Kale Gardening Seeds.
Qty; 2 gm / pack. -
Detmeal5 Snail Pesticide Granules
- Detmeal 5 (Metaldehyde); 100 gm / Pack
- Snail Pesticide Granules.
- Plants and Animal Safe.
- Best option to eradicate all type of snails..
- Used as bait for slugs / snails, often live in places that are wet will destroy orchids, flowers, vegetables and trees,also eat shoots, leaves,etc, and snails also leave mucus along the path- causing germs and fungi to destroy further.
Hindustan Streptocycline Fungicide
- Hindustan Streptocycline Fungicide; 60 gm
- Size;60 gm(6g x 10 pack/box)
- Streptomycin Sulfate I.P. 90 %, Tetracycline Hydrochloride; 10 %
- Streptocycline is an Antibacterial Antibiotic formulation recommended for effective control of bacterial diseases of plants
- It is readily soluble in water and is systemic in action gets readily absorbed in the plant when sprayed.
Osmocote Plus Controlled Release Fertilizer
- Osmocote Plus; 1 kg
- (Imported)
- Controlled Release Fertilizer- best for Orchid, Succulent and other exotic plants.
- 12-25-6+1% Magnesium, Nitrogen(N) 12%,Phosphorus(P2O5) 25%,Potassium(K2O) 6%,Magnesium (MgO) 1%.
Crystal Tilt Fungicide
- Crystal Tilt Fungicide ; 250 ml.
- Propiconazole 25% EC.
- Tilt is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide and by its curative and protective action, controls the plant diseases very effectively.
- Tilt controls the disease for a longer period of time.
Tilt gives better grain quality because it controls disease at critical stage.
Syngenta Kavach Flo Fungicide
- Syngenta KavachFlo Fungicide; 500ml.
- Chlorothalonil 40% + Difenoconazole 4%
- Kavach Flo, a one shot easy solution for spotless and healthy crop.
Syngenta Amistar Opti Fungicide
- Syngenta Amistar Opti Follar Fungicide; 600 ml.
- Composition: 4.8% w/wAzoxystrobin + 40% w/w SCChlorothalonil.
- IFFCO NANO UREA Liquid; 1 Liter
- Qty; 250 ml x 2 Bottle pack.
- 1 Bottle (250 ml) is equivalent to at least one bag of Urea.
- IFFCO Nano Urea is the only Nano fertilizer approved by the Government of India and included in the Fertilizer
- Control Order (FCO).
- It is developed and Patented by IFFCO.
- Application of 1 bottle of Nano Urea can effectively replace at least 1 bag of Urea.
- It has been tested on more than 90 crops across 11,000 locations in collaboration with ICAR- KVKs,
- Research Institutes, State Agriculture Universities and progressive farmers of India.
Syngenta Polytrin C 44 EC Insecticide
- Quick Overview
- Syngenta Polytrin C 44 EC Insecticide; 250 ml.
- Composition; rofenophos 40 % + 4% EC Cypermethrin.
Syngenta Isabion Bio Nutrients
- Syngenta Isabion Bio Nutrients; 250 ml.
- Isabion, enables the plant to increase yield and quality of produce naturally.
- A natural biostimulant, Isabion contains a well-balanced mix with optimal ratio between short chain peptides, long chain peptides and free amino acids.