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  • Biostadt BioU

    • Natural Bio Degradable Ammonia Binder
    • Packaging: 500ml.
    • HDPE bottles.
    • A Natural Bio-Degradable Ammonia Binder with Urease Inhibitor.
    • Liquid Yucca product for Shrimp and Fish.
    • BioU contains natural extracts of Yucca plant (Yucca schidigera), ammonia binding agents, digestive enzymes and encapsulated beneficial bacteria.
    • BioU also contain enzymes and beneficial bacteria (Bacillus subtilis).
    • Helps in digestion Organic waste and converts it into micronutrients- floc as per biofloc fish feeding requirements and reduce toxic ammonia gases
    • Binds noxious gases, particularly ammonia.
    • Accelerates the breakdown of organic waste.
    • Enhances the intestinal enzyme system.
    • Increases the digestibility and complete digestion.
    • Keeps the pond ecosystem healthy.