Showing all 3 results

  • PI Industries BIOVITA Granules

    • PI Industries BIOVITA Granules
    • BIOVITA provides over 60 naturally occurring major and minor nutrients and plant development substances comprising of enzymes, proteins, cytokinins, amino acids, vitamins, gibberellins, auxins, betains etc. in organic form.
    • BIOVITA provides all constituents in balanced form for healthier plant growth.
    • BIOVITA contributes to greater microbial activity when applied to soil and thus increasing the nutrient availability to plants.
    • BIOVITA is an ideal organic product for better growth and productivity, which can be used on all types of plants, whether indoor, outdoor, garden, nursery, lawns, turf, agriculture or plantation crops.
    • Available Size; 2 kg.
  • GHARDA Kite Insecticide

    • GHARDA Kite Insecticide
    • Available Size; 250 ml/pack.
  • Fluval Stratum Plants Substrate

    • Fluval Stratum
    • Qty; 8 kg
    • Best for Aquarium with Plants and Shrimps
    • Collected from the mineral-rich foothills
    • Fluval Stratum makes an ideal alternative substrate for planted aquariums and those featuring shrimp.
    • Helps support neutral to slightly acidic pH – ideal for most plants, tropical fish and shrimp normally kept in planted aquariums.
    • Provides newborn shrimp with a refuge from predators until they are large enough to emerge
    • Will not discolor water and helps control organic discoloration when natural driftwood is present.