Showing all 3 results

  • Skyec Well Rich Tablet

    • Skyec Well Rich Tablets; 60 tabs.
    • Qty;(30 tabs x 2 pack)
    • 8 Vitamins, 10 Minerals and Linoleic acid, omega 6 with advantage of omega 6.
  • Placeholder

    Virbac Canitone LS

    • Virbac Canitone LS ; 60 Tablets.
    • For Cats & Dogs- Weight 8 kg – 30 kg.
    • CANITONE LIVER SUPPORT is a holistic formulation of Siliphos,zinc and vitamin E.
    • To support liver health in a palatable tablet form.

    • VIRBAC O2 MAX ; 2 Kg
    • Oxygen Releasing Tablets
    • Manufacturer; Virbac India.
    • Fast-acting Oxygen releasing tablets.
    • Effective very long time-some times a week.
    • Fast acting oxygen releasing tablets.
    • Starts Liberating Oxygen Immediately.
    • Reduces Nitrite and Hydrogen sulfide level.
    • Suppress stress in fish & prawns.
    • Helps to reduce H2S
    • Facilitate moulting process
    • Helps to degrade organic matter
    • Provide oxygen uniformly.