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  • Hikari Tanago

    • Hikari Tanago; 200 gm.
    • Freshwater Fish Feed
    • Micro Pellet Plant enriched feed for growing and coloring.
    • For Colour demanding tetra species mini pellets fish feed.
    • Feed Diameter: 1.2-1.4mm
    • Thickness: 0.7mm or less
    • Plant enriched feed for tanago- group of small fish cultivation and coloring.
    • Hikari probiotic are activated in the intestines and support health maintenance.
    • Considering the healthy growth of bitterlings, high quality protein is blended.
    • It contains a lot of plant based ingredients such as mulukhiya, seaweed, and spirulina, and is suitable for fish
    • species that tend to be herbivorous, such as Kanegira.
    • Contains high quality protein and considers the healthy growth of bitterlings, which tend to lose weight.
    • Since it sinks slowly and gently,
    • it is a highly palatable disc type that is easy to prey on even cautious collected fish.
    • Activates in the intestines of fish to support health maintenance. Promotes decomposition of excrement and suppresses contamination of breeding water and filters.
    • In consideration of the matrimonial coloring and luster peculiar to Japanese freshwater fish
    • Produce in Himeji, Japan by KYORIN food Ind. Ltd.