Showing 1–12 of 37 results

  • VIRBAC Pro Marine

    • VIRBAC Pro Marine Qty; 500 gm.
    • Contains Probiotics fortified with Vitamin and Mineral.
    • Improves digestion and absorption of nutrients.
    • Increases collagen synthesis and accelerates encrustation.
    • Increases feed conversion ratio. Strengthens the immune system.
    • Improves survival rates of Aquaculture crops.




    • SYNGROMIX; 1 kg.
    • Fish Fingerlings Growth Promoters Liver Protector
    • Consisting of protected organic acids, essential oils, plant extracts & unique flavouring.
    • Improves FCR & daily weight gain.
    • Helps to build strong muscles & skeleton.
    • A phytobiotic additive with growth enhancing & hepato protective.


    • FEPROMIX 1 kg  Fish Growth Promoters Creating a healthy gut flora in fish & shrimp.
    • An ultimate Blend of select Fish Feed Probiotic for complete Aquaculture farm health.
    • Suppressing growth of undesirable microbes in aquaculture system & on the host Competitive exclusion in the gut.
    • The probiotics in FEPROMIX produce many enzymes and form a symbiotic relationship with the hosts in the slime layers of fish / prawns. Decomposition of excess & waste organic matter.
  • Broad Spectrum Parasite Killer Disinfectant

    • Broad Spectrum Disinfectant And Parasite Killer Powder; 150 gm
    • (Imported )
    • Treat infections, parasite infected, swollen internal organs, Perforation in the head, Abdominal infections.
  • SUNTEREX 97 Broad Spectrum Disinfectant Parasite Killer Powder

    • SUNTEREX 97 Broad Spectrum Disinfectant Parasite Killer Powder
    • Qty; 100 gm
    • (Imported Fish Medicine)
    • Authentic Sunterex is used to eliminate parasites, ticks, anchor worms, leech, protozoa.
    • SUNTEREX 97 is a Tricrophon drug. used for eliminating vectors.
    • Used to kill the host in the pond during the preparation of water.
    • Get rid of all types of shrimp and crabs. Including various insects.
    • Including shredded shrimp, scallop, hard-headed shrimp, glandular shrimp etc.
  • VIRBAC Calgophos Fish

    VIRBAC Calgophos Fish ; 4 Liter/jar
    Fish Feed Calcium, nutritional supplement with bioavailable minerals.
    Optimizes the exuviating process
    Maintains rigidity & brightness of outer layer
    Optimizes culture production, helps in moulting & growth.


    VIRBAC V5; 1 Kg

    • Probiotics And Mineral
    • Maintains Algal Bloom
    • Absorbs toxic gases
    • Improves survival rate
    • Increases dissolved oxygen content
    • Maintains water quality and water color
    • Balances pH, water quality & alkalinity.

    • VIRBAC O2 MAX ; 2 Kg
    • Oxygen Releasing Tablets
    • Manufacturer; Virbac India.
    • Fast-acting Oxygen releasing tablets.
    • Effective very long time-some times a week.
    • Fast acting oxygen releasing tablets.
    • Starts Liberating Oxygen Immediately.
    • Reduces Nitrite and Hydrogen sulfide level.
    • Suppress stress in fish & prawns.
    • Helps to reduce H2S
    • Facilitate moulting process
    • Helps to degrade organic matter
    • Provide oxygen uniformly.
  • VIRBAC MV24 Multivitamin Powder

    • VIRBAC MV24 Multivitamin; 500 gm
    • Growth Promoter Powder, Provides better growth and weight gain.
    • Provides better Endo & Exo Skeleton system
    • Macro & Micro Minerals, Water & Fat soluble Vitamins And Amino Acids.
    • MV24 is an unique minerals, vitamins and amino acids supplement.
    • It delivers more bio-available macro and micro minerals for better absorption.
    • High power Multivitamin for fish, prawn.
    • Improves appetite and FCR.
    • Improve hormonal & enzymatic activities in fish & prawn.
    • Manufacturer; Virbac India.
  • VIRBAC Microlance

    • VIRBAC Microlance ; 1 kg
    • Manufacture: Virbac India.
    • Before stocking and during two months of culture 1kg per hectare.
    • MICROLANCE Powder helps to reduces toxic gases like Ammonia & Nitrate and helps to accelerate nitrogen cycle.
    • Reduces toxic gases like Ammonia & Nitrate
    • Helps to accelerate the nitrogen cycle
    • Helps to reduce “Cyanobacteria” from pond water
    • Degrade organic waste
    • Eliminate sludge & bad odor.
  • Virbac HEPANO MIX

    HEPANO MIX Fish Growth Promoter Liver Protector
    Improves FCR & weight gain.
    Helps to build strong muscles & skeleton.
    Improves Liver function in fish.
    Reduces fat deposition in fish.
    Strengthens hepatopancreas functions.
    Enhances the neurological system and hormonal production.
    Speeds up the healing process.                                                                                                                                                           Available Size; 500 gm & 2 kg.

  • VIRBAC Eco Marine Tablets

    • VIRBAC Eco Marine; 80 Tablets.
    • Probiotic and Magnesium Supplement.
    • ECO MARINE Tablets; probiotics for aquaculture pond balance
    • ECO MARINE Tablets helps in digestion Organic waste and converts it into micronutrients and reduce toxic gases
    • Maintains healthy bottom
    • Easy to use, apply directly.
    • Reach to the source of the problem.
    • Saves time and Money
    • Controls harmful blue green algae.