To prevent and control outbreaks of opportunistic and secondary pathogens, water quality is crucial during the culture period. Pre-treatment and post-treatment technologies of water are important for ensuring healthy aquaculture. SURFACE APPLICATION: Use PROFECT AQUATIC to clean and disinfect at a rate of 300 ml per of 1% solution (multiply floor area by 2.5 to estimate total area including walls and ceilings).
Fish, Prawn and Shrimp Pond: 500 gm to 2 kg/Hectare. For disease prevention, apply PROFECT AQUATIC once every fortnight depending on water quality. For disease treatment, apply PROFECT AQUATIC once every 3-5 days or follow the advice of an aquaculture consultant. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Dissolve the required amount of PROFECT AQUATIC in water outside the pond in a clean container and then spray it uniformly throughout the pond.