Showing 37–48 of 79 results

  • PVS AQUA C AND E Vitamin Supplement

    • PVS AQUA C & E Vitamin Supplement; 1Kg
    • Vitamin C & E Supplement for Shrimp
    • Acts as best immune modulator.
    • Makes the animals healthy for fight against disease situation.
    • Acts as best antioxidant and develops the new tissues rapidly.
    • Helps in metabolism activities in body.
    • Helps for stress free conditions.
    • Helps to increase body growth rate
    • Helps for more survivals.
    • Manufacturer; PVS Laboratories Limited.
  • PVS AMMOSOL Tablet 1KG Water Treatment

    • PVS AMMOSOL Tablet; 1Kg
    • Water Freshener and Performance Enhancer.
    • Yucca powder added with probiotics and other quantities of Nitrifying bacteria.
    • Reduces other harmful toxic gasses levels.
    • Helps for more efficient in Nitrogen Cycle.
    • Eliminates off favor form pond water.
    • Provides more relaxation & stress-free pond condition.
    • Increases survival rate and body weight.
    • Makes more healthier of fish body.
    • Manufacturer; PVS Laboratories Limited.
  • PVS ACTILIV Liver Stimulant And Digestant

    • PVS ACTILIV Liver Stimulant Growth Booster; 1Kg
    • Liver Stimulant and Digestant.
    • Activates and stimulates the function of liver/Pancreas.
    • Helps for better digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients.
    • Corrects the Hepato Pancreas disorders due to toxic effects.
    • Prevents liver diseases in fishes
    • Increases appetite in fish & better FCR.
    • Helps for better growth and more production.
    • Manufacturer; PVS Laboratories Limited.
  • Placeholder

    Provet Pharma RHODOBAC

    • Provet Pharma RHODOBAC; 5 Liter
    • Helps in digestion Organic waste and converts it into micronutrients and reduce toxic ammonia gases.
    • Composition: Rhodococcus spp, Rhodobacter spp, Bacillus spp., Nitrosomonas spp, and Lactobacillus spp, fortified with Nitrifying & Denitrifying bacteria in liquid form.
    • Zooplankton enhancement in the pond
    • Improves water quality
    • Controls sludge build up, breaks down dissolved protein & unused feed
    • Competes & directly inhibits pathogenic microbes
    • Stabilizes existing algal blooms
    • Can be used for desulphurization & eliminates malodor from the ponds
    • Effective in high salinity
    • Reduces stress factors in ponds
    • Zooplankton enhancement
    • Sludge & malodor reduction
    • Better protein breakdown & absorption
    • Inhibiting growth of & competing with pathogenic bacteria
    • Complete water quality improvement and stabilizing algal growth.
    • Applicability: Aquaculture
    • Digests sludge
    • Keeps the pond ecosystem healthy.
  • Provet Pharma DISSOX FLA

    • Provet Pharma DISSOX FLA; 5 Kg
    • Oxygen Releasing Tablets
    • Apply Tablets directly into the water, depending on the water conditions.
    • Provides optimum solution for dissolved oxygen levels in aquaculture systems.
    • Generates dissolved oxygen fast and long acting.
    • Reaches water bottom quickly and makes water bottom aerobic.
    • Aerobic condition generated by Dissox FLA will suppress the harmful anaerobic bacteria.
    • It also helps the denitrifying bacteria to reduce nitrite by changing favorable condition.
    • Available Size;  5 kg.
    • Helps to reduce organic load.

    • Provet BACITOX PLUS
    • Qty;1 Kg.
    • Manufatured By; Provet Pharma
    • Breaks down organic and faecal(fish waste) wastes in the water
    • Removes existing algae and prevents new growth.
    • Clarifies water and improves the aquatic environment for fish and wildlife
    • Improves dissolved oxygen levels
    • Eliminates noxious, ammonia and organic odors caused by algae, fish waste, leaves etc
    • Biologically supports a healthy immune system and increases resistance to Pathogens and parasites
    • Enhances uptake of nutrients
    • Reduces larvae of water breeding insects like flies and mosquitoes.
  • PROFS Power

    • PROFS Power; 1 kg
    • Manufacture: Biostadt India Ltd
    • Minimum of 4 x 10 cfg/gram of spore forming Bacillus sp & Pediococcus sps.
    • Increases zooplankton in pond, control of sludge build up
    • Breakdown dissolved protein in shrimp farming system
    • fragments unused feed
    • Directly inhibits pathogenic microbes,
    • Stabilizes existing algae blooms
    • Improves water quality
    • Prevent stress factors of shimp.
    • Digests sludge, Keeps the ecosystem healthy.
  • IFB Agro NutriSigma Feed Nutrition Booster

    • IFB Agro NutriSigma Feed Nutrition Booster
    • Feed Supplement of Mineral & Vitamins.
    • Qty: 2 kg
    • High power Multivitamin for fish and prawn
    • 1st time in INDIA; pH Balanced Formula. Manufacturer; IFB Agro India
    • Contains high micro-encapsulated soluble protein and modified fat.
    • Enriched with chelated minerals, micro and macro elements, enzymes, probiotics, immune boosters and body growth enhancers to increase yield and improve productivity.
  • Himalaya HIM C Vitamin C Fish

    • Himalaya HIM C Vitamin C Fish ; 1 Kg
    • Aqua feed supplement.
    • Natural Alternative to VITAMIN C
    • Also added with sodium & Potassium.
    • Available Size; 1kg & 5kg(1kg x 5 pack)


  • FRYCARE Fingerlings Growth Promoter

    • FRYCARE; 500gm
    • An Optimum Concentrated Blend for Enhanced Immunity, Improved FCR and Daily Weight Gain in Fingerlings.
    • Improving intestinal health, favoring the proper.
    • Development of the intestinal villi and the saprophytic flora.
    • Acts as an excellent immunostimulant, making fingerlings more resistant against bacterial aggression
    • Acts as an effective growth promoter
    • Improved nutrients absorption
    • Inhibiting the growth of harmful and pathogenic microorganisms
    • Improving weight gain
    • Improving growth rate and growth performance
    • Improving feed consumption and feed efficiency
    • Preventing the bacterial disease.
    •  Availabale Size; 500 gm
  • Placeholder

    FLOC PRO Maintenance

    • FLOC PRO Maintenance; 1 Kg.
    • Best water Soluble Multi strain highly concentrate dry powder for
    • Freshwater aquaculture system / Pond aquaculture system
    • Brackish water and Saltwater aquaculture system.
    • Maintain healthy Floc Ratio.
    • Increases Dissolved Oxygen Content
    • Balancing pH, water Color & Alkalinity
    • Reduce Ammonia/NO2/NO3
    • Control heavy sludge, Algae, Green water, Bad smell, Hydrogen sulfide and foam.
    • Maintain clear water.
    • Prevent fish disease.
    • Supreme composition to improve water quality and degrade Toxic organic components.
    • 100% money Back Guarantee, If not Satisfy your quality standard requirement.
    • Available Size; 1 Kg.
  • Placeholder

    Floc Pro Gold Biofloc Multi Strain Probiotic

    Floc Pro Gold; 1 KG.
    Best Quality Probiotic for aquaculture System.
    Multi Strain Probiotic & enzymes Blend Powder.
    Floc Pro Gold contains stable and adequate quantities of Bacillas Species- Bacillus Firmus
    Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megatherium,
    Bacillus polymyxa, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus Lactobacillus sporogenes,
    Bacillus Nitrosomonas, Bacillus Nitrobacter, Rhodobactor, Photosynthetic,Pediococcus,
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae and nitrifying & denitrifying bacteria with milti enzymes.
    It Contains millions CFU per Gr.
    Highly Concentrated non pathogenic naturally
    occurring beneficial strains probiotic and enzymes.
    100% money Back Guarantee
    If not Satisfy your biofloc probiotic quality standard requirement.                                                                                          Available size; 1 kg & 5 kg
