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    Provet Pharma RHODOBAC

    • Provet Pharma RHODOBAC; 5 Liter
    • Helps in digestion Organic waste and converts it into micronutrients and reduce toxic ammonia gases.
    • Composition: Rhodococcus spp, Rhodobacter spp, Bacillus spp., Nitrosomonas spp, and Lactobacillus spp, fortified with Nitrifying & Denitrifying bacteria in liquid form.
    • Zooplankton enhancement in the pond
    • Improves water quality
    • Controls sludge build up, breaks down dissolved protein & unused feed
    • Competes & directly inhibits pathogenic microbes
    • Stabilizes existing algal blooms
    • Can be used for desulphurization & eliminates malodor from the ponds
    • Effective in high salinity
    • Reduces stress factors in ponds
    • Zooplankton enhancement
    • Sludge & malodor reduction
    • Better protein breakdown & absorption
    • Inhibiting growth of & competing with pathogenic bacteria
    • Complete water quality improvement and stabilizing algal growth.
    • Applicability: Aquaculture
    • Digests sludge
    • Keeps the pond ecosystem healthy.